Employee Group Toolkit

Whether you call it a Club, an Employee Resource Group (ERG), or another name, we have resources and information to assist you with your formal or informal faith-based employee group. Check back often as more content will be added!
How to Launch an ERG

This ERG Playbook is loaded with information on how to create your Faith-Based Employee Resource Group. Published on Theology of Work and created by Endeavor, a global faith at work ministry with the help of several ERG Leaders. 

How to Multiply ERGs

Watch the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF) panel discussion on “How to Multiply Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) in Large Companies”. The panel features guests from American Express, Salesforce, Intel and Christian Employee Resource Group Alliance. (Feb. 2020)

Why Faith ERGs Add Value

Hear from Craig Carter on the Terminal Value Podcast, as he shares his insights on “Why Faith Based Employee Groups Add Value in Large Companies”. (2020)

The Business Case for ERGS

Learn from the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF) panel discussion on “The Business Case for ERGs” with guests from Dell, Intel, Texas Instruments, American Airlines and Accenture. (Feb 2020) 

Peer Learning & Resources

We are starting a new section of our Toolkit, focused on key learnings, resources, and tools to help others in the Marketplace with their Christian Employee Group. Whether you have a formal or informal group, or hoping to start one, check out what your peers at other companies are doing.  


Have something to add/share? Contact Kirsten Connell or Craig Carter.

Talk with Dr. Michael Guillen, author of the book “Believing is Seeing” hosted by Christian Community at ExxonMobil and Faith and Work Movement. Link on Vimeo.

Author John Chisholm talks about his new book “Working Relationships: Managing Successful Relationships in Business and in Life using EQ and the Art of Difficult Conversations”.  This is an event that was hosted by the Amazon Christian Fellowship working with Roy and the Faith and Work Movement team.  It is wonderful not just for work, but any relationship in life!!

Video: note use password: F&WM


Updated July 2024, Lucas from GE shares an extensive list of companies benchmarked with Faith Based Employee Groups. Check out who’s on the list and key information on each.  Faith ERG Industry Benchmarking (PDF)

Visit Fr. Greg McBrayer’s website for Faith at Work, American Airlines. Explore the various videos, resources or sign up for his weekly devotional newsletter.  OUR FAITH AT WORK – Corporate Ministry | DFW, TX

Additional Learning Resources

A collection of videos and resources with insights from numerous companies that have successfully integrated religion, faith and/or belief into their corporate diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) priorities. ERGs | RFBF (religiousfreedomandbusiness.org)

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts in workplace settings can create empowering environments where employees can thrive and fully contribute to business outcomes. In recent years, businesses across industries have realized that faith and belief are core components of DEI. Explore their Playbook for valuable guidance on how to incorporate faith into the DEI initiatives in the workplace.

Are you looking to help your company excel in having workplaces that are faith-and-belief-friendly? Check out the free toolkit that can help you along your journey regardless of whether you’re just beginning or looking to grow your impact locally or globally.

Latest Data and Research on Faith and Work presentation replay video (48 min) from the May 2024 RFBF “Dare to Overcome” Conference. View all of the conference content at: Dare to Overcome USA 2024 | RFBF (religiousfreedomandbusiness.org)

The Federal EEOC department is responsible to ensure there is no discrimination at work. The commissioner Andrea Lucas speaks at the May 2022 Religious Freedom and Business Conference on how having Faith based Employee Groups is a best known method to ensure full corporate diversity. Full video of speech with text and Q&A here.

Gallup 2022 summary of how workers are doing, globally. It is eye opening! Excerpt: 

81,396 hours.
That’s how much of life most of us spend working. The only thing we spend more time doing is sleeping. If we spend so much of life at work, how is life at work going?


According to the world’s workers, not well. Gallup finds 60% of people are emotionally detached at work and 19% are miserable. But is that a surprise, or a statistical explanation of the obvious?


The idea that “work sucks” is everywhere. It’s been the subject of ancient philosophers, world leaders, your colleagues and even pop culture. Comedian George Carlin once quipped, “Oh, you hate your job? Why didn’t you say so? There’s a support group for that. It’s called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.”

Gallup – state-of-the-global-workplace-2022-download

In this summary deck, learn how data shows Faith is critical to employees and adds value to corporations. Companies are recognizing its value !  Link to PPT   (Note: ppt will download to your “download” folder – it will not display on the screen.)

Audio recording from the book “Mere Christianity” by CS Lewis.  Just one chapter, titled “Count the Cost”.  In summary – how God desires to make us perfect, that is the only goal, to be like Him.  To be Third.  If we say “yes” nothing can stop us from reaching that goal – as He will make it happen.  It will cost you, it will be a tough journey (look at the life of Jesus, the Apostles!) but that is what God designed us to be, before time began, to be like Him.  To be perfect.  Will you say “yes”?  It will cost you – but you will begin the journey to be transformed into Jesus, as He guides you, to be transformed full of His love and mercy and the ability to richly bless others.  Read by Craig Carter, recorded June 22, 2024.  Audio Clip – 10min