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God has designed you for this race. Reach out! We need you.

Contact Us

Send us an email! The Courageous Third team is excited to hear from you to answer your questions or to further engage you in the work we are doing. Our purpose is to help God’s children live their best and most abundant life by “Reflecting God’s Love @ Work”. As we do this, our companies, nations and world will be changed.  


Want to learn more about what it looks like to put this into action? Check out this 4 min video on what the Christian employee group and others at Intel Corporation were doing in this space. Additional information can be found on the Companies page.


God at work, as we follow! 

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    2. Title = “Company Name – City”
    3. Enter Address = just your City, Country
    4. Scroll to bottom – click SUBMIT FOR REVIEW at bottom
    5. The Courageous Team will review, and post! (may take a few days…)
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