
With Known Christian Groups


Number of Companies: Contact us to list yours!

All logos are the properties of their respective owners.

 See bottom of page for more info on groups. We have personal connections with almost all of the companies on this list.  God connecting His children!

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leaders known, not yet added

Greg McBrayer – a Chief Flight Controller at American Airlines, also an Anglican Priest and lead Chaplain for American!  His story from directing air traffic on 9/11 – wow!  When he is in the office, he and his team are responsible for all American Airlines flights globally.  Reach out to him – he does amazing weekly devotionals via email!

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Wonderful video (49min) of Intel leaders talking about Christian and Cross-Faith Intel groups.  May 2022 at RFBF ERG Conference in Washington DC.

Christian ERG leader video (4min) summarizing  Intel Christian group and Cross-Faith group efforts.

Discussion at 2022 RFBF Conference – why Faith at Work is of value for companies.  Speech and Panel of Intel leaders from Atheist, Bahai, Christian, Jew, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh.  Link (20min)

Intel Corporation strongly supports Faith ERGs. Intel Corp web page – on Faith-based ERGs!

Presentation given at HR Summit for ERGs – EmERGe (New York) – January 2022.  Powerpoint Deck

Denver Institute for Faith and Work. Podcast talking about Faith at Work and ERGs – Christian ERG and Cross-Faith ERG at Intel Corporation, done by Craig Carter. Link (37min)


Awards resulting from Cross-Faith ERGs (Atheist/Agnostic, Baha’i, Christian, Hindu, Jew, Muslim, Sikh):

Courageous Third Article: Intel’s Christian Employee Group (April 2024)

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

Leader known, not yet added

You may ask, why is there just a company name?  Well, no time yet to ask each Christian leader what email or contact info they would like up, and almost all groups have no external web presence (their own web site).  A key part of this Courageous Third vision is to fix that… allowing all ERG leaders to have easy/free access to a technical platform where they can put their group information.  Note – Groups in these companies are a mix of “formal” (funded by the company) and “informal” not funded by the company. 

* All logos are the property of their respective owners

NOTE: Christian Leaders at these companies are known. Not on the list??? Contact us!

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