C3 Newsletter

Share your idea!

Strengthening and Unifying the Body of Christ

Submission Request

Have an idea for a feature article or an event you would like to include in an upcoming Courageous Third newsletter? Complete the form below. Please allow 2 business days for a response. 

Co-labor with us as we help God’s children live their best and most abundant life by “Reflecting God’s Love @ Work”. As we do this, our companies, nations and world will be changed. To God be the glory!

Please note: For our purposes here, references to ERG (Employee Resource Group) refers to both formal/informal Christian employee groups. 

Newsletter Submission Request

    Please select the type of request you are making for inclusion in the Courageous Third Newsletter. All requests will be reviewed. Please allow 2 business days for a response.
    ERG EventSupport Org EventERG Feature ArticleSupport Org Feature ArticleOther

    Please tell us more about the request. If it is an event, include event name, date, location and link to more info. If it is a feature article request, please include topic and high-level pitch/article angle. If you selected ‘Other’ from above, please share the pertinent information to help us understand the request.

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