Journey with us
NOTE: Site is Under Construction!
Contact us if you want to help! 🙂
Reach out!
Email will go to Craig Carter, who worked at Intel for 25 years and is blessed to be linked to 50+ of Christian groups at large companies, and to dozens of amazing marketplace ministry groups (Support Organizations). A core team is kicking off now – to pray and seek God’s direction on this movement. God is calling you, us, to impact this world! To help people realize the best and most abundant life is “Reflecting God’s Love @ Work!”.
This web site and related efforts seek to connect, encourage, and unleash the potential for each of God’s kids to fully realize their amazing calling to “Reflect God’s Love @ Work”!
We need you.
This is complex.
We need people with ALL of their diverse and unique skills. Just like a body needs all its parts – you have a unique role to play on this team.
Prayer TEST - Tim fill this out
Add your location below! Click on the BLUE CIRCLE+
- Click on the BLUE CIRCLE +
- Title = First Name
- Enter Address = just your City, Country
- Scroll to bottom – click BLUE SUBMIT
- The Courageous Team will review, and post!