
Here to Stay: National Faith @ Work Conference Highlights

by Becky Pomerleau

June 19, 2024


Becky Pomerleau is the Secretary & Treasurer of the Board of Directors for Courageous Third and the Chief Audit Executive of Leslie’s, Inc. She recently served as Co-Emcee of the National Faith @ Work Conference held in Washington, D.C.


Did you know more than 85% of Fortune 500 companies indicate religion as part of their commitment to diversity? Bringing your faith to work is no longer the “Next Big Thing” it is the “Big Thing Now” according to the 2024 Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (REDI) Index and Monitor. And this year’s fifth annual National Faith at Work Dare to Overcome Conference was evidence this movement is here to stay. Leaders from faith-oriented employee resource groups (ERGs) and workplace chaplains from a wide range of companies gathered together to learn, share ideas and fellowship with one another. The 2024 REDI Index winners were announced and celebrated during the conference. Congratulations to Accenture and American Airlines for tying for #1 among Fortune 500 companies, and to BMC for landing in the #1 spot on the non-Fortune 500 companies.

2024 Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) Index

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule served as the theme for this year’s conference – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The organizer, Brian Grimm, opened the event by encouraging attendees to constructively, curiously, and humbly engage with one another, and respect the same right and responsibility to religious freedom for those around them as a foundation for peace.

The Journey Continues

In my own courageous journey towards founding and leading the interfaith employee resource group at PayPal, I have attended each annual Faith @ Work conference. The first couple of years we acknowledged the faith at work movement was at a tipping point. In years three and four the momentum of the movement solidified. This year serving as the co-emcee I challenged the audience to take what is next on this faith at work journey back to their companies and communities. A highlight for me was moderating the panel discussing the application of the Golden Rule in a variety of belief contexts exploring nuances such as the Jewish perspective – that which is hateful to you, do not do to others. While what is next for faith at work will differ by attendee, the modus operandi to achieving what is next is built on the foundation for peace – the Golden Rule.

Working Together to Love God and Others

As followers of Jesus, we are called to courageously love God first, others second and ourselves third, i.e. Courageous Third. Christian ERG leaders and support organizations collaborated in a pre-conference gathering sharing how they put this call into action, including insights, challenges, operating rhythms and resources to enable these groups to love God and love others in the marketplace. Common themes emerged such as weekly bible studies, prayer meetings, monthly fireside chats with executive leaders and external speakers, service projects, coaching/mentorship programs, leadership development, sharing testimonies, and even engaging local churches in the faith at work movement. Courageous Third’s vision is to swell this level of networking and collaboration by uniting God’s children at work to be fully alive to transform nations. You can find a directory of the participating Companies and Support Organizations.


If your company does not yet champion a commitment to faith inclusion, ask the Holy Spirit if God is calling you to lead the charge.

Conference Videos and Resources

For the conference highlights including awards and replays of the various sessions, visit:

Christian ERG Attendees
Brian and Becky presenting the ERG Leader award to Marsie Sweetland of Equinix for modeling convenatal pluralism.

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