Marketplace Support

# of Support Organizations Listed
Marketplace Support Organizations help Christians in the marketplace!
Below are some of the organizations that can assist you. Any to add? Contact us.
San Francisco, California and Silicon Valley marketplace ministry that started in the highly engaged Asian community and keeps expanding. Frequent conferences and small group training sessions.
Your work matters to God. Don’t miss the great work God prepared for you to accomplish. Supporting individuals, business leaders and church leaders.
4word exists to support and connect women in the workplace so that they can reach their God-given potential with confidence. We foster communities and cultivate authentic relationships through digital content, community groups, and mentor programs. Our group is the only global organization dedicated to Christian women in business, led by Christian women in business.
Boldy Live your Faith at Work. Members group and has books to buy.
ADF advances the God-given right to live and speak the Truth. We contend for the Truth in law, policy, and the public square, and equip the alliance to do the same. ADF defends the rights of business professionals to live their faith in the workplace.
Shining God’s light in the marketplace. The workplace is our mission field. Everyone is looking for answers to life’s biggest questions and that includes the person next to you in the office. Alpha in the workplace provides you with an opportunity to reach your colleagues with the Good News of Jesus. We watch a video for 30 minutes followed by small group discussion for the remaining 30 minutes. It is simple and powerful. More than 43 companies and organizations are now running Alpha in workplace all over Hong Kong. Many found faith and many others rededicated their lives to Christ.
AFC is called by God, in cooperation with local churches, to evangelize and disciple Chinese students and professionals in the United States and other parts of the world, to motivate and equip them to impact the culture for the Lord, and to mobilize and channel them into the service of Christ as a vital force for God’s Kingdom.
Recharge your professional perspective and balance your life outside of the workplace with other high-achieving, C-level executives, board of director members and high-level business owners who share Christian values.
At Work on Purpose began in 2003 as a small group of Christ followers meeting together about work as worship. God blessed those early gatherings, and the number of participants grew steadily to become dozens, then hundreds, and eventually thousands of “everyday working Christians” from all over Greater Cincinnati, Ohio USA.
The Austin Center for Faith & Work is a growing community of workplace leaders seeking to love God and neighbor through daily work. We gather, develop, and empower people to work as God intended. Our programs provide peer community, mentorship, professional development, and theological training to help leaders work with hope, purpose, and excellence in service to others. Austin Center for Faith & Work (
The only collaboration of leaders dedicated to maximizing ministry potential by meeting nonprofit challenges with business perspective to advance kingdom work. Barnabas Group – connecting career calling with kingdom impact
The primary objective of the Believers in Business networking group is to gather a group of men and women of faith who are willing to commit to doing their very best to help their fellow members achieve their business goals and objectives while understanding that God’s power is an essential component in this mission. Believers In Business Networking Group – Home (
BBT provides Biblical leadership development and curriculum to small-group Bible study leaders, helping them grow in their relationship with Christ and equipping them to pour into the lives of others.
A monthly interview with experienced workplace leaders who are serious about their faith in Christ and about being effective leaders. During each episode we learn about the leaders background and experiences and how they employ biblical principles at work, to lead change, develop others, and grow business all while striving to honor Jesus in all that they do. Biblical Leadership @ Work (
Business has a God-given power and potential for good in the world. Yet too often Christian business people have not been affirmed in their call to business. They do conferences – networking.
The Business Professional Network helps real businesses overseas conduct themselves with integrity, create jobs, model righteous behavior in leadership, practice justice, challenge corruption, care for the poor, donate to their local churches, and establish sustainable business systems.
C12 is a 30 year old organization that organizes small groups of leaders in cities to meet periodically for Christian growth, and to learn and exchange Biblical leadership principles to help their companies. Members pay a fee to join.
Seattle area marketplace small group ministry.
Called to Work is a global workplace ministry to advance God’s kingdom in the workplace around the world through Discipleship and Evangelism of working Christians as Spirit-filled Ambassadors for Christ in their everyday lives. We encourage workers, Equip leaders and organizations, Expand workplace ministry partnerships and geographic networks in the US and beyond. Called to Work provides a scalable framework of workplace Christianity resources and best practices that can be applied individually, in small groups or large organizations.
CBMC stands for Christian Business Men’s Connection. Our mission is to present Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to business and professional men and to develop Christian business and professional men to carry out the Great Commission. CBMC exists to point marketplace men to Christ allowing the Gospel to transform them into marketplace ambassadors.
Korea: CBMC
At the Center for Faith and Work St. Louis, we exist to equip leaders to effect gospel transformation of the workplace through vocational discipleship.
Talbot School of Theology’s Center for Faith, Work and Economics exists to equip churches to help Christians live integrated lives – at home, in their communities and in the workplace. Talbot Center for Faith, Work and Economics – Biola University
Large marketplace chaplain service working with hundreds of companies across the USA.
Working with companies to provide chaplain care, highly based on the US Military model of providing chaplain care for all faiths. Founded by Rear-Admiral Alan “Blues” Baker, who was the head of Navy Chaplains with almost 35 years experience.
It is happening! A site with wonderful videos showing how people are Reflecting God’s Love @ Work! Christ at Work
We are a hub for Christian businesses, ministries, & churches helping them connect, collaborate & form strategic partnerships with a purpose. Christian Business Alliance – Home (
CBMC (Christian Business Men’s Connection) connects business and professional men to God and each other through Christian peer groups and one-on-one mentoring, so they become more like the men God designed them to be.
Member only group dedicated to: Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, and Congregate with Christian Professionals – Your Christian Alternative to LinkedIn.
As the name suggests, for companies that are Christian, providing community and support.
We convene the world’s top problem solvers to advance God-inspired solutions.
Group started in 2022, from men that continue to work at a large Fortune 500 company, and will help you, at no cost, show you how to have a strong Christian group at your workplace.
Courageous Third Article: Building a Faith Based ERG Just Got Easier! (August 2024)
Christian Legal Society is dedicated to serving Jesus Christ through the practice and study of law, the defense of religious freedom and life, and the provision of legal aid to the needy.
CIMP exists to encourage, equip, and empower believers to carry out their faith in the Marketplace and therefore impact others’ lives for the glory of God. Christians in the Marketplace, with God’s guidance and to His purpose, is a ministry to create and support believers in the marketplace. The goal is to bring back God’s presence, power, and purpose into the marketplace through the support and success of Christian business owners and workplace leaders everywhere. Christians in the Marketplace

Join a Christian Business Forum Team. Member group that provides coaching and mentoring.
Sponsored, supported and maintained by the Center for Chinese Christian in Marketplace and Grace Computer & Internet Corporation (GCI), and offers employment opportunities shared primarily by, but not limited to, the congregations of the Asian American Christian Community. The goal of the Crossroads Guide website is to become a unique bridge between employers and job seekers. Our hope is that through honest, prompt, and personal service, the needs of people in the market can be met. This service is free of charge.
Crown has helped people all over the world understand who they are, what they have and how to best use both. Using proven biblical methods and resources transforms individuals, families, communities and even entire nations.
Covering the world in Christ. For Business Executives. Tim Tebow is a guest speaker at times.
The Dallas/Fort Worth Technology Prayer Breakfast (DFW Tech PB) was created to connect the Technology Leaders in North Texas to the convictions and passions they share with so many others here in the Metroplex. We are a volunteer led organization located in Richardson, TX.
Denver Institute for Faith & Work is an educational nonprofit dedicated to forming men and women to serve God, neighbor, and society through their work.
EQUIP Leadership empowers believers to freely share their faith within their circles of influence. Our world is ready for a new legacy of Christian leaders – leaders who bring the hope of a transformed world and a brighter future based on Biblical values and a relationship with God. EQUIP (
We believe the gospel transforms not only the individual, but whole communities, industries and nations in and through our everyday work.
Great marketplace support with in person classes in San Francisco, CA area. Denise who founded this team has a wealth of expertise and passion.
Roy and the Faith and Work Movement team since 2014 have been helping large company Christian groups. Faith and Work Movement
Helping Christ-following entrepreneurs find their community and fulfill their God-given call to create.
The mission of Faith Driven Investor is to transform what it means to invest as a Christian.
Faith in Business seeks to affirm the role of business in God’s purposes; and explore the application of Christian faith and values in business. We achieve this by providing high quality theological resources and events at the intersection of business, faith, values and leadership.
Faithly is an online community for Christians who serve the church. Our members are pastors, staff and volunteers of churches and ministry organizations. Home | Faithly
Radio show (Chicago area) and blog.
FaithTech is a global tech community for Christ. We exist to help people in the tech ecosystem find community and steward their skills to glorify God.
Cultivating faith and work integration in the Bay Area to transform people who are transforming the world. Bay Area Center for Faith, Work, and Tech | (
An organization that works with many Christian companies. Has been around for decades. Quite established with periodic conferences and small groups.
Faith in Financial Services (FiFS) was founded in 2018 by a group of Christian professionals who believe that the Bible can change the financial services industry. In 2020, FiFS paired the Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) with the related Bible Commentary from the renowned Theology of Work Project (TOW). In 2021, FiFS and TOW began producing, one-click videos for leaders in the financial services industry to bring God’s Word to their businesses as a catalyst to change lives and cultures
The Finance and Faith Forum is a community of finance professionals who gather together to explore the integration of faith, work and economics. During this time, we encourage each other in friendship and share about the real situations many of us are facing in the marketplace. Our vision is to see Christians in financial services excel in their vocation and find ways to bless others through their work. Our goal is to foster meaningful professional and personal relationships among members, strengthen ties between Gordon College and the financial services community, and assist alums and students in their professional pursuits.
Short Workplace Devotionals. Also other devotionals! The 15 minutes that can shape your whole day. Enjoy daily devotionals either online or through our app for free, forever.
Organization focused on connecting Christians at work.
Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI) is one of the largest networks of Christian Businessmen in the world. Founded in 1952, we are in over 80 nations – meeting in thousands of chapters.
G7 helps find and connect Christian business people to build trusted relationships that grow you and your business. We believe that Christians need to be more intentional about doing business together and more importantly DRIVING business to each other through trusted relationships. Homepage | G7 Networking
Group focused on younger (20s) Christian and seeking young adults that want purpose in life. Offer 6-month groups/cohorts using live and video materials.
The Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While we are often recognized for our work with hotels, we also place and distribute Scriptures in strategic locations so they are available to those who want them, as well as to those who may not know they need them.
God has already positioned catalytic kingdom leaders all over the world who are called to push back the spiritual and economic poverty in their nations. We call these leaders CHANGEMAKERS, and we believe that investing in them is the most strategic investment in missions. This includes in the marketplace.
The Global Faith and Work Initiative aims to equip pastors and city leaders to edify the laity of the church to be missional in all areas of their vocation and life leading to the flourishing of their cities.
We value our Global Leadership Summit partners who have a passion for equipping, encouraging, and inspiring others to invest in their leadership development. As a host, you connect people together and build bridges for positive transformation to take place right in your community.
Gloo is a powerful platform that connects ministry leaders to resources, people, data/insights, and funding so their people and communities flourish, and their organizations thrive. Check out their annual AI & the Church Hackathon.
Founded by a wonderful lady named Helena in Los Angeles. God led her miraculously to found this company! 25% of profits build wells and orphanages in Africa.
Marketplace group, focused outside of US on developing countries. Does “free” off-site training for participants.
Birthed out of the Bethel Church, Redding CA. Growing library of content (75+ videos), World renowned instructors, Motivational (2min) video every Monday, Weekly focused content, Audio, downloads, Weekly LIVE call, Private Facebook Community Group, Cancel anytime. How to Partner with God at work (
He Reads Truth and She Reads Truth are worldwide communities who read God’s Word together every day. Founded in 2015 and 2012, He Reads Truth and She Reads Truth invite men and women to engage with Scripture through daily curated reading plans, online conversation led by a smart and thoughtful community of contributors, and resources created at the intersection of beauty, goodness and Truth.
For profit consulting company for small/medium business that utilizes God’s wisdom to build a business.
The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics (IFWE) is a Christian organization advancing a free and flourishing society by revolutionizing the way people view their work. We believe the Bible’s timeless truths about the purpose of our work and how to make wise decisions with all that we’ve been given. When Christians understand and live out the biblical meaning of work, then lives, societies, and nations will be transformed for Christ. Institute for Faith, Work & Economics (
International Leadership Institute. Accelerating the Spread of the Gospel.
Today’s MBA students will shape tomorrow’s business community, arguably one of the most influential institutions in our culture. How would your community be changed by students transformed by God in their MBA programs? Imagine companies run by Christians who apply business acumen and godly wisdom as they serve customers, employees, and investors.
To see the Body of Messiah in Israel flourish and prosper, fulfilling its mandate to bless Israeli society and the nations through God-honoring professionals; Thriving “kingdom businesses”; Economic transformation.
“You work for someone. Are you just there for the paycheck? Your clients, your boss, your family, your car payment, yourself or your Lord. Are you called to more than just getting it done by Friday? Each one of us has a calling, have you heard this before? Your workplace is your mission field wherever that may be. You’re either all in or all out – are you for Him? I am! iWork4Him! I work for Jesus Christ. iWork4Him
Group seeking to fulfill the calling of John 17 in the Bible – that all Christians would be one. Seeking unity, but not uniformity, so that world can see the love of God in His Church, His Bride.
Jordan Raynor is a leading voice of the faith and work movement. Through his bestselling books (The Creator in You, Redeeming Your Time, Master of One, and Called to Create), the Mere Christians podcast, and his weekly devotionals, Jordan has helped millions of Christians in every country on earth connect the gospel to their work. In addition to his writing, Jordan serves as the Executive Chairman of Threshold 360, a venture-backed tech startup which Jordan previously ran as CEO following a string of successful ventures of his own.

Organization targeting Christian Financial and Wealth Advisors. Mostly in the US, some in Canada. They offer training, certification (CKA), gatherings and an amazing network. Over 300 small groups are organized by them.
Our what is helping leaders find their why. While what we do changes throughout the course of our careers, as Kingdom leaders, there is a resounding and steadfast why behind it all. Rethink the influence you’ve been given in the marketplace. How will you bring God’s Kingdom into your business right here, right now?
Kingdom Business has an extensive list of groups and networks across the UK that seek to connect faith and business. Groups are categorized as Local Business Networks, Events, Training/Courses, or Chaplaincy. Groups – Kingdom Business Champions
Workplace Movement – conferences.
Small marketplace groups in dozens of countries, started by CRU organization. Over 350 groups worldwide.
Group that has leadership conferences, church and other resources available for leaders and the marketplace.
Legatus is an international organization of Catholic laymen and laywomen, comprising CEOs, presidents, managing partners and business owners (with their spouses), from business and professional enterprises. Now in its fourth decade, Legatus has become the Catholic executive peer-group of choice for so many.
For more than fifty years, Ligonier has served the church by producing trustworthy discipleship resources that are rooted in the historic Christian faith. This faithful, biblical teaching reaches more than 100 million people each year in regions and languages around the world. Our aim is to help Christians everywhere know what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it.
Large marketplace chaplain service working with hundreds of companies across the USA.
Marketplace Leaders is a voice and agent to create tools that inspire, teach, and connect Christian believers to resources and relationships in order to manifest the life of Christ in their workplace call. “The world needs Christian leadership to influence the culture for Christ.” – Os Hillman
We are a movement of young marketplace leaders & entrepreneurs focused on moving their career & faith forward.
Mavericks Movement – Business Courses & Community for Believers.
The vision of the Metron Manager Project is to provide training, resources and theology that will recover the dignity and mission of vocation. It is time to rethink vocation, mission and the Kingdom of God as a new era is upon us. Spiritual history is demanding a broadening of our understanding of what it means to respond to the Great Commission. The Metron Manager Project
College level courses designed for students at Christian Universities – on how to be prepared to bring your Christian faith to the marketplace. Both on-line and in person.
The Minority Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network (MCWEN) is a thriving community for Christian women of color who have an interest in entrepreneurship and business ownership. Using the Proverbs 31 woman as a model, MCWEN seeks to support women to become impactful and positively influential in their homes, community, and at work. For us, it’s not just business as usual. Minority Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network (
Not a marketplace group, but provides consulting, tech help, and funding connections for ministries.
The Navigators is a ministry that shares the gospel of Jesus and helps people grow in their relationship with Him through Life-to-Life® discipleship, creating spiritual generations of believers. The Navigators is focused on developing disciples person-by-person-by-person and encouraging spiritual growth across life stages.
An international business training and coaching success platform that serves entrepreneurs and Kingdom businesses.
Live Pure, Speak Truth, Right Wrong, Follow the King – NCS motto. We are a group of men who gather together to encourage each other in friendship and faith and to support each other to be better husbands, fathers — and better men — in the marketplace and in our communities. Friendship at NCS happens through our regular meetings in local Chapters across the country. A few times a month, we gather in restaurants or other common ground to be together with other guys and hear a speaker — one of our own or a guest — share a personal story that enlightens, encourages or challenges us.
Our mission is to join people together with a common goal of achieving God’s purposes within the seven mountains of influence – government, education, religion, family, media, business, and entertainment. What is your next mountain? We can help you. NEXUS Mountain Network | Nexus
Joyfully making, motivating and maturing Christians in the workplace. Northeast Christians at Work (
To encourage and equip influential leaders through confidential Forums, supported by a national network, to engage in personal and cultural transformation that honors Jesus Christ.
Leadership programs for younger workers, senior executives and all in the middle. Austin, Texas based program.
Primemovers is a six-session, facilitated discovery process for proven leaders. It is designed to reveal God’s unique dream for your life with fresh vision and clarity. The process combines directed personal study with group sessions with peers who will encourage, challenge, and ultimately help equip you to live out the call of God on your life.
The Faith & Work Initiative (FWI) mission is to bridge the wisdom of faith traditions and the rich heritage of the humanities with the leading edge of scientific, technological, and economic innovation. We focus on the ethical and related challenges that manifest themselves in work and the workplace with the whole human in mind. Led by David Miller – Video.
PRS = Public Reading of Scripture. Work centered Bible readings for the workplace. is a social impact company: we’re driven by a mission to grow faith and cultivate community. is the world’s #1 app for faith and prayer. The mobile app gives you the chance to make prayer a priority with daily devotionals, hear the Bible come to life with original content, and fall asleep to Bedtime Bible stories narrated by inspirational celebrities. PRAY.COM
Praxis offers formative programs for founders, funders, and innovators—and support their entrepreneurial work through venture-building expertise, community engagement, aligned capital, and imaginative content. Praxis (
Working with churches, starting up mens and womens small groups – for spiritual growth. Starting to grow into setting up marketplace small groups.
The Redeemer family of churches and ministries exist to help build a great city for all people through a movement of the gospel that brings personal conversion, community formation, social justice, and cultural renewal to New York City and, through it, the world.
The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF) is the preeminent organization dedicated to educating the global business community, policymakers, non-government organizations and consumers about the positive power that faith and religious freedom for all (including those with no religious faith) have on workplaces and the economy.
The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation is a non-partisan, nonpolitical registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States with work worldwide. It is not a faith-based organization and works with multiple faiths. It does not take a position on current political debates.
We help organizations benchmark progress in workplace religious inclusion through our annual Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) Index.
RFBF | Faith & Business Build a Better World (
Courageous Third Article: National Faith @ Work Conference Highlights (June 2024)
To teach, mentor and connect emerging Christian marketplace leaders around the world so they can renew their workplaces and cities for the Gospel.
6 month class, lunches, and a Florida focus… bringing your Faith to Work.
RightNow Media @ Work is a voluntary, faith-based video library designed to help your team flourish in every area of life. From topics like leadership, parenting, and finances, RightNow Media @ Work is relevant to every member of your team and their families.
Right On Mission helps individual believers and Christian entities get on mission. We believe God’s people can learn to think so Christianly that they find the moral courage to act with integrity as Christ followers, even in the face of opposition. We teach believers how to live on mission.
SALLT is a leadership development training designed to help you understand how to lead like Jesus in every sector of society and bring a missional mindset to everything you do. We awaken and equip leaders from every sphere of cultural influence to bring Kingdom solutions to the problems in their communities.
Scatter Global exists to see the hope of Jesus in every industry and every place, as men and women are deeply present, living, working, and loving their neighbors around the world. We do this primarily in two ways – inspiring Jesus followers to live out their created purpose in God’s kingdom story; and connecting Jesus followers with resources to help them bring kingdom life here, there, and everywhere.
Servant is a management and technology consultancy that serves the world’s leading kingdom organizations. With expertise and excellence, we seek to help them grow and flourish in a digital era by increasing engagement, simplifying operations, and accelerating growth.
She Reads Truth is a worldwide community of women who read God’s Word together every day. Founded in 2012, She Reads Truth invites women of all ages to engage Scripture through curated “Daily Reading Plans, as well as online conversation led by a vibrant community of contributing writers.
Sinapis is a global community blending intensive training with faith-based principles and access to capital. Entrepreneurs learn how to scale their businesses while also making a social & spiritual impact in their community. Sinapis : Business Training for Faith-Driven Entrepreneurs
Faith Driven Investing – since 2012. A Private Equity group that works with private Christian companies, investing in them and helping them to be successful and grow. We provide capital and strategic partnership to values-driven, market-leading companies and funds with potential for outsized returns for all stakeholders.
Kneisha Sanders has written an amazing book, and works with companies on Faith and Diversity and Inclusion activities.
Exploring Faith at work. Videos, free online classes focused on why work matters.
At Storehouse Wellness we believe that full wellness means healing of Mind, Body, and Spirit. In order to achieve this, we have created a model of 4 pillars: nourishment, physical fitness, mental wellness, and financial health. The pillars are built on a foundation of Christ and Biblical Truth that goes beyond internal motivation but transforms mindsets. Home | Storehouse Wellness
Matching Believers’ skills with ministry needs Our innovative technology matches Global Mission teams with everyday Believers as co-laborers in Christ. Switchboard: Connecting everyday believers across the world. (
Courageous Third Article: Revolutionizing How We Serve the Kingdom (July 2024)
Coke Consolidated sponsors a number of amazing virtual conferences annually. FREE. Invite only event, but if you work – you qualify! t-factor
San Francisco, California based group focused on city transformation, including the marketplace.
Focused on the theology and research side – what does the Bible say about work? Videos, podcasts and testimonials. Interested in starting a Faith Based Employee Group? Check out their extensive resources and information: How to Start a Faith Based Employee Resource Group… | Theology of Work
The purpose of The Christian Working Woman is to encourage, equip and empower Christians in the workplace to love Christ more, to live their daily lives by biblical principles, and to go to their jobs as ambassadors for Jesus Christ. They produce two radio program formats, distribute books and materials, provide web resources, and organize retreats and conferences in the United States and abroad. The Christian Working Woman
Our mission is to help business leaders influence their corporate culture for the Kingdom. Be the Edge – as iron sharpens iron.
Our goal is to glorify God as women leaders and to create a movement across the country where we can study God’s word together, grow and become more rooted in our walk with Jesus Christ and lead as God has called us to lead in the marketplace, our homes and in our communities.
The Word At Work is dedicated to a practical study of God’s Word applied in your Daily life.
The Work Exchange is a no-cost, six-session learning experience for Christians, designed to give participants practical ways for glorifying God in whatever work they do, whether they’re volunteers, students, parents, employees, or employers. Discover the lies we tell ourselves about our work, the truth from God’s Word about our work, and what action we can take to exchange the lies for the truth, thereby transforming our work.
Men’s monthly lunch events, with relevant topics for business. Texas based.
London, UK based group doing small groups in the marketplace. Everything you need to live out your faith at work.
Community for Christian owned businesses.
Unconventional Business Network is a nonprofit, membership organization equipping male and female Christian business owners, leaders and professionals globally to integrate their faith at work. Founded in 2001, Unconventional Business Network has impacted 400,000+ professionals and is changing lives and transforming workplaces. As a growing member organization, we provide daily encouragement and wisdom, a committed Christian business leader community, plus numerous opportunities to engage with like-minded professionals. Headquartered in the Kansas City metro area, Unconventional Business Network offers industry events, monthly membership meetings, expert resources and more to support the faith at work movement.
Our mission is to build Kingdom, business, and community. We are more than just average people interacting in a beneficial way, we are Christ-following believers building relational capital that can be used to advance the Kingdom, improve lives, grow businesses, and enrich communities. One Nation Under God! Home – USCCC (
Vision Resourcing Group is a non-profit educational ministry that provides resources to individual Christians and ministry leaders. We offer a variety of faith-centered content, counsel, and certification programs – Career Readiness; Train-the-Trainer Certification Programs; Church Stewardship/Generosity Ministry Educational Programs; and Estate and Planned Giving Strategies.
Women & Work exists to see women confidently step into their God-given calling and view their work as meaningful to the Kingdom of God. Women & Work inspires women through conversation and biblical content to honor God, image Him to the world through their work, and leverage their potential for His glory.
Our mission is to encourage Christians to manifest the life of Christ in the workplace and witness the power of Christ in the workplace through thematic lectures, group sharing, mentoring, etc. Work as Mission Strategic Alliance (
We believe it is time for an awakening — a switch to God’s way of working. Thriving on Mondays at work – not just surviving. Stewarding your Time, Talent, and Treasure for 100X results!
WorkLight – the new brand of Christians in Commerce International – is designed to foster transformation, community, and inspiration for the current generation of working Christians. God hears and knows our stories whispered in prayers, coffee shops, factories, small groups, and offices across the country. Since the first Challenge Weekend in 1983, the Holy Spirit has been among us equipping believers like you to build God’s Kingdom in the workplace.
Training for Christians at work – targeted to younger and more experienced workers to transform the workplace by equipping Christian leaders to integrate their faith and work. They do this through the Workmatters Institute, a transformational faith and leadership experience for young professionals and senior leaders, as well as online resources.
Live and share your Catholic faith in the workplace—and find deeper friendships along the way! We offer a generation of restless young workers in their 20s and 30s a way to go deeper in faith, life, and work. Together, we seek authentic friendships, a richer sense of purpose, and both personal and professional excellence. Above all, we’re here to help inspire modern-day saints!
Cross-Faith and Freedom of Religion Groups

IGE catalyzes freedom of faith worldwide. So that everyone has the ability to live what they believe. Training, government conferences in Asia region countries. Religious freedom for all.
Globally influential Washington DC area-based group working with large companies – showing the value of all religions in any society. Annual conferences, and the annual REDI (Religious Equity Diversity Inclusion) index showing company rankings. SPU survey on ERGs
Works outside of US with Freedom of Religion. BUILDING PEACE + PROSPERITY. IRF Secretariat is Forging New Public-Private Partnerships and Empowering Economic Development.