Courageous Third

Reflecting God’s Love @Work

"I feel like I am home" Christian leader from Asia


Unite God’s children @ Work
for all to be
FULLY ALIVE + Communities Transformed

Courageous = Action in spite of fear
Third = God first, Others second, I am Third


LinkedIn for Jesus Followers @Work
Real Community + Engagement with Ministries


Many companies have groups!

Contact us to list your company.

Join a Prayer Team!!!

God is the source of power. We PRAY! 

Join us a Global Marketplace Prayer team!

Support Organizations

Hundreds of Christian marketplace support organizations, exist for you!

Contact us to list your organization.

Example: Christian group at Intel Corporation

  • Prayer works! From 3 nations in 2019 to 18 by 2023 (23 countries in 2024!), with 4,000 Christians part of the Intel sponsored Employee Resource Group (IBCN: Intel Bible-based Christian Network)
  • Federal US Law allows US companies to legally create Faith groups. Intel’s Christian group started in 1995. Intel is a 120,000 employee company in 50+ countries with ~$80 Billion in annual revenue. Any company can do this!
  • Faith Employee groups increase profits. Through better Recruiting, Retention and Returns. It is smart for business, and legally companies can allow them in the USA and in many other nations. The US Government EEOC says allowing employees to freely express their faith at work a best practice.

Video: Intel Corporation